Who I Train/Speak To
- Therapists, Counselors, Mental Health Professionals
- Teachers, Educators, School Administrators
- Probation Officers
- Case Managers
- Mentors
- Corrections/Detention Staff
- Anybody who works with youth
Talks and Trainings
- Building Authentic Relationships with Youth
- Teaching Mindfulness To Youth
- Trauma-Informed Care for Therapists, Teachers, and Detention Staff
- Substance Abuse Treatment with Youth
- Motivational Interviewing
- And more!!!
*All trainings/talks are customized to the specific population (i.e., teacher, detention staff, therapists)
What they're saying
Sam Himelstein is probably the best trainer out there right on on working with adolescents with care and compassion. I learned more about working with challenging kids in a three hour workshop with him than I did in all of graduate school. I cant recommend his work more highly.
Chris Willard, PsyDAuthor of "Growing Up Mindful" and "Alphabreaths." Dr. Williard is a Psychologist and faculty at Harvard Medical School
Mindfulness is becoming more popular, and more people and programs are offering trainings. Individuals and institutional decision makers new to mindfulness may have difficulty in discerning the depth and quality of various offerings. As a pioneer in the field for over 30 years, and a multi-time chair of several acclaimed conferences on mindfulness for youth, I say without hesitation Dr. Himelstein is absolutely one of the best. His science is rigorous, his personal mindfulness practice is deep, and his connection with youth and workshop participants is palpable and authentic. As a recognized leader in the field, it is always a privilege to participate in a training with Sam.
Amy Saltzman, M.D.Author of "Still Quiet Place: A Mindfulness Program for Teaching Children and Adolescents to Ease Stress and Difficult Emotions."
We really enjoyed and benefitted from Dr. Himelstein’s clinical expertise in the areas of adolescent substance use treatment and trauma. We were fortunate to have Dr. Himelstein present at the Georgia School of Addiction Studies Conference in 2017 & 2018 and also at the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice’s Professional Development Conference for its Office of Behavioral Health Services staff in 2018. He is a pleasure to interact with and he truly has a passion for this important work we do with young people. I could not recommend him enough to other agencies across the country that work with the juvenile population and young people in general
John Izzo, LPC, CCDP-DSubstance Use Treatment Services Administrator, Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice
Sam Himelstein is one of the most authentic teachers of mindfulness for youth that I have ever had the privilege of seeing and working with. His work is grounded in integrity (practicing what he preaches), deep respect for youth, and tremendous skill and sensitivity to trauma and social determinants of health. I've learned so much from him, he is the real deal!
Dzung Vo, MD, FAAP, FSAHMAuthor, The Mindful Teen: Powerful Skills to Help You Handle Stress One Moment at a Time